Springs Fever: A Field & Recreation Guide to 500 Florida Springs.
3rd Edition by Joe Follman and Richard Buchanan

Spring-Related Sites on the World Wide Web

The following list includes a number of web sites that contain useful or interesting information about springs in Florida. The list is alphabetical, by characters that follow the "http" and/or "www" prefixes. All the sites were operational at time of publication of this document, but may or may not be available in the future. The list includes a mix of educational, governmental, and commercial sites and is only partially annotated; the reader will need to investigate the various sites for additional information and amplification.  A key starting point is the Florida Springs web site on the overall web site for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection--http://www.dep.state.fl.us/springs/index.htm--this site contains news and links with many other sites, including the one for Springs Fever that you are now reading.