Chipola Unnamed Alcove Spring
Jackson County
Summary of Features
- Scale--3th magnitude, est.
- Scenery--Good-very good
- How Pristine?--Near railroad bridge, otherwise natural
- Swimming--No
- Protection--Unknown
- Crowds--None
- Access--Very good, by boat only
- Facilities--None
- Safety--Very good
- Scuba--No
- Cost--Free
Accessible via boat. From the center of Marianna on U.S. 90, go north on Jefferson Street (State Road 167--the same turn as for Florida Cavern State Park) and proceed about 1.5 miles to the bridge over the Chipola River. Put in and go downstream about 3 miles. The spring is 300 feet south of the point where the railroad bridge crosses the Chipola River, on the west side. GPS coordinates: N30.45.631; W85.13.027.
Spring Description
The spring consists of several flows that form a small alcove onthe west bank of the Chipola River. The alcove is semicircular and about 20 feet in diameter. The main flow is from a limestone opening in the bottom of the alcove on the south side. The vent is about one foot in diameter, four feet deep, creates a pool within the alcove, and has a visible boil. There appears to be a smaller flowpoint 1-2 feet from the main vent and nearer to the bank. Water flowed from the base on north side of the bank/alcove in 3-4 seeps. The water fromthe spring was clear--noticeably clearer than the adjacent river water.
There is no apparent use of the spring.
Personal Impressions
An attractive little spring alcove.
Nearby Springs
- Blue Hole Spring
- Sandbag Spring
- Baltzell (or Bosel or Bozell) Springs group
- Unamed Grotto/Wastewater Spring
- Unnamed Chipola Riverbank Springs
- Dykes Spring
- Unnamed Spring Cascade
- Delightful Grotto Spring and Cascade
- Unnamed Rock Overhang Seep
- Unnamed 2-Tree/3-Trailer Seep
- Unnamed Possible Chipola Spring Runs (5)
- Unnamed Chipola West Bank Seeps
- Unnamed Limestone Boulders Spring
- Possible Spring run Near Highway 280 Bridge
- Merrit’s Mill Pond Springs (Jackson Blue, Shangri-La, Twin Caves, Indian Washtub, Gator)
- Spring Lake Springs (Black, Double, Gadsen [or Gadsden], Millpond, Springboard,Coffin)
Other Nearby Natural Features
- Florida Caverns State Park
- Three Rivers State Park
- Falling Water State Park
- Torreya State Park
- Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve