Springs Fever: A Field & Recreation Guide to 500 Florida Springs.
3rd Edition by Joe Follman and Richard Buchanan

TAY 924991

Taylor County

Summary of Features

  • Scale - 3rd magnitude
  • Scenery - fine
  • How Pristine? - very pristine
  • Swimming - no
  • Protection - unknown
  • Crowds - none
  • Access - private
  • Facilities - none
  • Safety - unknown
  • Scuba - no

Quick Directions

250 feet upriver from TAY924993 spring.

Full Directions

For maps, latitude/longitude data, driving directions, satellite imagery, and topographic representations as well as weather conditions at this spring, go to Greg Johnson's informative "Florida Springs Database" web site at the following address:  http://www.ThisWaytothe.Net/springs/floridasprings.htm#Florida

Spring Description

The spring lies in the bed of Spring Creek between the remnants of two beaver dams.  Water flows from a small limestone opening (that was not clearly visible) at a depth of 2-3 feet.  A mild upwelling was visible on the surface, and the water was fairly clear.  The bottom of the creek in this backed-up section is covered in filamentous algae.  The creek is 25 feet across and is completely canopied by trees and shrubs along its low banks.


Personal Impressions

The contrast between the completely pristine condition of this spring and the exotic- and garbage-overrun TAY924993 less than 100 yards away is startling.

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