Wilson Spring
Columbia County
Summary of Features
- Scale - 2nd magnitude<
- Scenery - poor-fair<
- How Pristine? - in developed area, choked with exotics<
- Swimming - fair<
- Protection - unknown<
- Crowds - can be heavy on warm weekends<
- Access - very good, boat or car; must canoe into spring<
- Facilities - fair<
- Safety - good<
- Scuba - yes<
- Cost - free<
- Directions<
From U.S. 27 in Ft. White, take Wilson Springs Road west about 4 miles to the spring and boat ramp on the Santa Fe River. The spring is also about 3 miles downriver from the boat ramp where State Road 47 crosses the Santa Fe River.
Spring Description
The spring is in a residential area and is at the head of a run of bout 100 yards. The spring forms a circular pool about 75 feet in diameter and 10-12 feet deep. Water in the pool is clear but fairly dark. There is a strong boil in the NW corner of the pool. The pool and run are filled with exotic vegetation as well as duckweed. Algae is present in the pooland run. The run is about 40 feet wide and 1-3 feet deep and has a strong current. There are low banks and some trees along the run and around the spring pool.
- Land around the pool is private property, so access is only by canoe. There is s house on the east side of the pool and run, and 6-7 houses above the run on the west side.
- The pool is used for swimming and diving. There is a rope swing and a sky-riderigged to drop into the pool.
- There is a public boat ramp just below the mouth of the run.
Local Springiana
Text from Johnson & Faircloth:
Personal Impressions
The spring is marred and altered by the very heavy exotic vegetationin it and its run. The land and development around the spring are unattractive.
Nearby Springs
- GIL928971
- Cedar Spring
- GIL928972
- COL928971
- GIL99974
- Unnamed Spring
Other Nearby Natural Features
- Ichetucknee Springs State Park<
- O'Leno State Park<
- River Rise State Preserve<